torek, 27. marec 2012

Vidiki pravnega prevajanja

Kot sem že pisala, so se v začetku leta sodni tolmači in pravni prevajalci združili pod okriljem Združenja stalnih sodnih tolmačev in pravnih prevajalcev Slovenije, ki je pred kratkim dobilo tudi uradno spletno stran. Poleg formalne ureditve pa je združenje tudi začelo z uresničevanjem svojega poslanstva, ki med drugim predvideva dodatno strokovno usposabljanje in izpopolnjevanje sodnih tolmačev in pravnih prevajalcev.

Tako bo v petek in soboto, 30. in 31. 3. 2012, na Pravni fakulteti v Ljubljani potekala mini konferenca z naslovom Vidiki pravnega prevajanja (glej program), na kateri bodo sodelovali tako predstavniki vlade kot strokovne javnosti (pravniki, tolmači), prav tako pa bo to priložnost za seznanitev z delom in vizijo Združenja.

Prijave na konferenco se zbirajo do 29. 3. na tem naslovu, udeležba pa je brezplačna. Vabljeni so tako sodni tolmači in prevajalci kot tudi za druga zainteresirana javnost.

četrtek, 22. marec 2012

O prevajalskih in tolmaških službah v EU

Pred kratkim so v dnevnoinformativnem programu nacionalne televizije objavili krajši prispevek o prevajalskih in tolmaških službah (na posnetku z MMC se začne pri 14:10). Gre za krajši pregled tako prevajalskega dela za institucije kot tudi tolmaških služb, v kadru lahko pri delu vidite dva nekdanja diplomanta z našega oddelka :), nekaj besed pove tudi vodja slovenske kabine pri SCIC-u, na koncu pa še kratek intervju z vodjo tolmaškega študija na Oddelku za prevajalstvo FF UL, mag. Amalijo Maček.

Zanimiva predstavitev, več o samem študiju in priložnostih za zaposlitev pa lahko zainteresirani izveste na dnevu odprtih vrat, ki ga Oddelek v obliki navidezne konference (mock conference) načrtuje konec maja (25.5.) - brez skrbi, o njej vas bom pravočasno obvestila tudi na tej strani. Seveda pa lahko vprašanja pustite tudi pod objavo in potrudila se bom za odgovor, bodisi osebno bodisi s strani Oddelka.

sreda, 14. marec 2012

On theory, training and life-long learning

The last couple of weeks have been rather busy. Apart from usual classes I give and take, and the deadlines for my PhD seminars, we've had wonderful foreign lecturers and guests at our Faculty and on top of that, AIIC organized two great web seminars. The first one last week with dr. Minhua Liu entitled The making of a skilled interpreter: What we know about expertise development in interpreting, and the second one this week with Robin Setton on theory in interpreter training (What use is theory in interpreter training?). Both of these webinars were really interesting, and provided a clear overview on the two subjects with precious comments and observations by the lecturers, based on their extensive experience. I would definitely recommend watching the videos, to my opinion, they are useful both for students and trainers, as well as for working and already seasoned interpreters (especially the first one).

And now to the foreign lecturers we had at our Faculty of arts in Ljubljana. The Department of Romance languages hosted the renowned French traductologue Jean-Réné Ladmiral, translator and philosopher, who is famous for its work Traduire - les théorèmes de la traduction. Since his work is important in the translation studies field, translation students from our department were also warmly welcomed to attend and it was a pleasure to see the room packed with young people during the three days (despite the age difference and the more traditional approach with schemes + white chalk&green board, if I may add ... What is that? The presentation? Oh, yes, PowerPoint ... no, no, no ppt here ;)).

In the meantime, it seems as if spring managed to sneak in ... hooray!

He gave three lectures, the first one on the desire to translate (la libido interpretandi), the second on theory in translation and the last one on the esthetics in translation. Yes, no word on proper interpreting there (as in oral translation - hate this denomination!), but still I find some of his ideas could be transposed to the interpreting sphere as well - or it's just me and my twisted mind that sees a link to interpreting even when there is no (obvious one).

Like the theory on translation, the interpreting theory is also a descriptive one and not as mathematically straightforward and clear as many people think, and indeed ourselves sometimes wish. But it is there and mainly aims to describe the process, the results, the mechanisms and norms, the role of translators and interpreters, the development that this profession is rapidly undergoing in the last years and decades and so on. I believe interpreting theory is a vast field and as I've heard it and read it many times - still rather unexploited so it offers a great variety of possible research topics which in turn reinforce the theory.

However, as prof. Ladmiral said some translators - and interpreters for that matter - disregard theory as not useful and unnecessary, claiming that they only deal with practice and that they cannot really apply any theory to their work since it is either too general or too specific and targeted to only a small segment of (a particular) language or discourse. True, not everything can be used in all kinds of situations, but still, I firmly believe that knowing some theory and following what is being studied is important. Even trained interpreters with years and years of practice can gain and learn new stuff from theory, or at least reinforce what they already know, intuitively sense and practice. It is important either way and I am not saying this only because it relates to my research topic, really! Of course we know of some great untrained interpreters, but as the profession is evolving, so is the theory and I believe that interpreters should be familiar with it and at least now, where to go and get information - from theory or practice and experience from other colleagues. Especially now, with the Endless Possibilities (literally :)), the IntJC, the webinars and all other options the WWW has to offer. So yes, besides being curious about the current political and social issues, let's nurture the curiosity also regarding our profession and the more theoretical aspects of it. It will help us improve our knowledge and become better, more skilled interpreters (practice without reflection and constant monitoring cannot enhance our performance).

Enough for today. In one of the following posts, I will tell you more about our second lecturer that week,  a Portuguese interpreter and professor doing her PhD research on gestures in interpreting - stay tuned!

ponedeljek, 5. marec 2012

Tolmači v kriznih razmerah - žalostne zgodbe iz Iraka

Predolgo že odlašam s to objavo. Predolgo že gledam(o) stran. Predolgo čakam(o), da se zadeve končno uredijo, a upanja je očitno vse manj.

Govorim o tolmačih v kriznih razmerah. O pogumnih možeh, ki so s svojim jezikovnim znanjem pomagali ameriškim vojakom pri vzpostavljanju vezi s civilnim prebivalstvom, vzpostavljanju miru. Ki so nesebično delali, da bi svoji domovini zagotovili novo upanje, red, mir. Ki so s tem tvegali, da se zamerijo marsikomu in si nakopljejo sovražnike. Samo zato, ker so tolmačili. Ko se je začelo govoriti o odhodu ameriških vojakov, jim je ameriška vlada obljubila, da jih bo prednostno obravnavala pri prošnjah za azil, v zahvalo za njihovo nesebično pomoč kljub možnemu sovraštvu in preziru v domačih vrstah. Vojaki so odšli, tolmači in tisti, ki so pomagali z informacijami pa ... ostajajo. Skrivajo se. Zapuščajo svoje družine, da jih ne bi izpostavljali nevarnosti. Ne upajo na ulice, da jih kdo ne bi prepoznal. Da se ne bi spravili nadnje. Da bi preživeli. Zakaj vse to? Ker so tolmačili.

Grozne zgodbe, ob katerih težko ostanem ravnodušna. Je to usoda, ki čaka tolmače v konfliktnih območjih? Da se nadnje spravi ta ali ona stran z nesmiselnimi in nerazumljivimi obtožbami o izdajstvu, ko pa je vse, kar so počeli, jezikovna mediacija?! Tudi to je očitno naš poklic. Seveda dotičnim morda ne bi bilo treba sodelovati, delati z Američani, a prepričana sem, da so enostavno začutili ta klic, želeli s svojim znanjem pomagati in posredovati. Zgraditi most v boljšo, mirnejšo prihodnost. Zadeve se v Iraku še zdaleč niso uredile, najkrajšo pa bodo očitno potegnili vsi, ki so se znašli tam nekje vmes. 

Žal ne morem narediti veliko več kot to, da tudi sama opozarjam na ta pereč problem, da delim njihove zgodbe. Tudi vi si jih preberite in presodite sami. Zbira jih @LindaWesson, ki ji lahko sledite na Twitterju in spletni strani, kjer redno objavlja novice o vseh Iračanih, s katerimi je v stiku in se vsak dan bolj bojijo za svoje življenje.